
Wednesday 26 August 2009

Good news day continues

EC Spokesman Upbeat about European Funding for Bulgaria
Bulgaria in EU | August 25, 2009, Tuesday

"Bulgaria is not by far the worst student in the European class," claims European Commission spokesperson Dennis Abbott. Photo by www.ec.europa.eu 

European Commission spokesperson Dennis Abbott has assuaged fears that Bulgaria risks to lose European funding, stressing his belief that the country will improve its performance.

Abbott's statement came shortly after the European Commission (EC) rejected once again the conformity assessments submitted by Bulgaria under the Technical Assistance, Transport, Competitiveness and Administrative Capacity operational programmes.

"Bulgaria is not by far the worst student in the European class and besides now it knows what it is supposed to do in order to be an even better student," Dennis Abbott said, as cited by the Bulgarian News Agency.

According to Dennis Abbott the most important task Bulgaria faces now is the launch of the unified management and information system, which monitors the payment requests and funding distribution under the programs.

He pointed out that the systems aim to make sure that the money allocated under operative programs are being spent transparently and efficiently so that they serve the interests of the citizens, create jobs and boost economic growth.

"I am sure that this will be done in Bulgaria. After you find the solution to the problems concerning one of the programs, there are big chances that all the rest will be approved," he said.

Abbott explained that the absorption of EU funding covers three years after the approval of conformity assessments, which is Bulgaria's case is the end of 2010.

Uncle's View: The news on EU funding in the past couple of days has been frankly dire.This latest comment appears to be a lot more positive.


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