
Tuesday 9 February 2010

Bulgaria and GM Food

Or 'Confused you will be...'.The passed few weeks have seen protests in Sofia against the introduction of pilot GM crop trials in Bulgaria.At first the government stood its ground despite the overwhelming body of evidence against this pernicious bio-project.

GM foods are environmentally dangerous as, when grown, they cross polinate with 'normal' crops to creat hybrids and so on.What you get in the end is GM food by the back door.There is no evidence that such food is safe in the food chain, and indeed the mysterious collapse in the bee population may have something to do with GM crops spread across the world.If the bees die off then the effect on mankind is potentially catastrophic ie no bees no polination, no polination no food, no food no people.

The Bulgarian government has actually listened to this and a 5 year ban is proposed.This is a great victory for environmental campaigners.Let us hope that Monsanto does not open its big fat cheque book...

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